Magpies method list

Here we briefly describe most functions implemented in the Magpies python library.

magpies.xg(Rns, Mns)

Compute compactenss parameters of neutron star.

\(x_g = 2 G M / (R c^2)\)

  • Rns – neutron star radius [km]

  • Mns – neutron star mass [Solar mass]


compactness parameter [uniteless]

magpies.g14(Rns, Mns)

Calculate the free fall acceleration at the surface of neutron star.

\(g_{14} = G M / (R^2 \sqrt{1 - x_g}) / 10^{14}\)

  • Rns – neutron star radius [km]

  • Mns – neutron star mass [Solar mass]


free fall acceleration at the surface of neutron star [g/1e14 cm/s/s]

magpies.compute_L(Tmap, Rns)

Calculate the total thermal X-ray luminosity of neutron star.

\(L = \sigma_\mathrm{SB} R_\mathrm{NS}^2 \int_{4\pi} T_s^4 (\theta, \phi) \sin \theta d\theta d\phi\)

  • Tmap – member of Tmap class containing surface temperature map.

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

The thermal map can be one dimensional (in the case of axisymmetric temperature distribution) or two-dimensional.


total thermal luminosity [erg/s]

magpies.compute_L_param(param, Teff, Rns, Mns)

Calculate the total thermal X-ray luminosity produced by single/two or more parameter blackbody.

  • param – list of areas and relative temperatures

  • Teff – effective temperature

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]


total thermal luminosity [erg/s]


compute_L_param ([1, 1], 1e6, 12, 1.4) computes luminosity of neutron star with surface temperature 1 MK, radius 12 km and mass 1.4 solar mass

magpies.compute_Teff(Tmap, Rns)

Calculate the effective temperature of neutron star.

  • Tmap – member of Tmap class containing surface temperature map.

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

The thermal map can be one dimensional (in the case of axisymmetric temperature distribution) or two-dimensional.


Effective temperature [K]

magpies.D_factor(cospsi, Rns, Mns)

Calculate the lensing factor following the article Poutanen (2020) A&A 640, A24 (2020).

\(\mathcal D = 1 + \frac{3 u^2 y^2}{112} - \frac{e}{100} uy \left[ 2 \log \left( 1 - \frac{y}{2} \right) + y \frac{1-3y/4}{1-y/2}\right]\)

where \(u = \frac{Rg}{R_\mathrm{NS}}\) and \(y = 1 - \cos\psi\).

  • cospsi – cosine of propagation angle \(\cos\psi\)

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]


Dimensionless lensing factor \(\mathcal D\)

magpies.single_BB_photons(Teff, Rns, Mns, eph, nphot, integ=True)

Calculate thermal spectra [number of photons per energy bin] emitted by neutron star with fixed surface temperature.

  • Teff – effective temperature of neutron star [K]

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]

  • eph – list of energies where spectra is to be calculated [keV]

  • nphot – total number of received photons

  • integ – if True it returns integer counts (0.3 means no counts in a bin), if False it returns fraction of counts as well.


redshifted spectra [number of photons per energy bin]

magpies.two_BB_photons(param, Teff, Rns, Mns, eph, nphot, integ=True)

Calculate thermal spectra [number of photons per energy bin] composed of two blackbodies.

  • param – array of four parameters [sc, sh, pc, ph]

  • Teff – effective temperature of neutron star

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]

  • eph – list of energies where spectra is to be calculated [keV]

  • nphot – total number of received photons

  • integ – integ = True correspond to integer result and integ = False corresponds to float result


fraction of total surface area covered with first hot spot


fraction of total surface area covered with second hot spot


temperature of first hot spot as a fraction of Teff


temperature of second hot spot as a fraction of Teff



redshifted spectra [number of photons per energy bin]

magpies.examine_spectral_fit_1BB_photons(param, Teff, Rns, Mns, eph, nphot, L, integ=True)

Function to examine the quality of single blackbody fit [number of photons per energy bin] in comparison the neutron star spectra.

  • param


    relative area of hot region, :pc: relative temperature of hot region

  • Teff – effective temperature of neutron star [K]

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]

  • eph – list of energies where spectra is to be calculated [keV]

  • nphot – total number of received photons

  • L – luminosity of neutron star

  • integ – if True it returns integer counts (0.3 means no counts in a bin), if False it returns fraction of counts as well.


redshifted spectra [number of photons per energy bin]

magpies.examine_spectral_fit_2BB_photons(param, Teff, Rns, Mns, eph, nphot, L, integ=True)

Function to examine the quality of two blackbody fit [number of photons per energy bin] in comparison the neutron star spectra.

  • param


    relative area of hot region, :pc: relative temperature of hot region

  • Teff – effective temperature of neutron star [K]

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]

  • eph – list of energies where spectra is to be calculated [keV]

  • nphot – total number of received photons

  • L – luminosity of neutron star

  • integ – if True it returns integer counts (0.3 means no counts in a bin), if False it returns fraction of counts as well.


redshifted spectra [number of photons per energy bin]

magpies.Cstat_1BB(param, Teff, Rns, Mns, spec, eph, nphot, L)

Calculate C-statistics for synthetic spectra [counts per energy bin] composed of single blackbody.

  • sc – fraction of total surface area covered with hot spot

  • Teff – effective temperature of hot spot

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]

  • eph – list of energies where spectra is to be calculated [keV]

  • nphot – total number of received photons

  • L – luminosity of neutron star which we try to model



magpies.Cstat_2BB(param, Teff, Rns, Mns, spec, eph, nphot, L)

Calculate C-statistics for synthetic spectra [number of photons per energy bin] composed of two blackbody.

  • param – array of two parameters [sc, sh, pc, ph]

  • Teff – effective temperature of neutron star

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]

  • eph – list of energies where spectra is to be calculated [keV]

  • nphot – total number of received photons

  • L – luminosity of neutron star which we try to fit


fraction of total surface area covered with first hot spot


temperature of first hot spot as a fraction of Teff



magpies.fit_spectral_model_Cstat(Teff, Rns, Mns, spec, eph, nphot, L, significance=2.7)

Fit spectra [spec] with two models: (1) single blackbody model and (2) sum of two blackbody model and choose the best model using C-statistics

  • Teff – effective temperature of neutron star

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]

  • spec – spectra which we try to fit

  • eph – list of energies where spectra was calculated [keV]

  • nphot – total number of received photons

  • L – luminosity of neutron star which we try to fit

  • significance – Critical value of \(\Delta C\) to make a choice between single and two-blackbody model


list [s1, s2, p1, p2, Cstat BB1, Cstat BB2]

magpies.spectra_pole(Tmap, Rns, Mns, eph)

Calculate redshifted thermal spectra [erg s^-1 cm^-2 keV^-1] emitted by neutron star observed from its magnetic pole (top row of thermal map).

\(H_E^\infty = \frac{15 \sigma_{SB}}{\pi^5 k_B^4} \int_\mathrm{viz} \frac{E^3 \cos \alpha \; \mathcal{D} \sin \theta d\theta d\phi}{\exp(E/(k_B T_s^\infty)) - 1}\)

  • Tmap – member of Tmap class containing surface temperature map.

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]

  • eph – list containing energy mesh \(E\) [keV]



redshifted spectra [erg s^-1 cm^-2 keV^-1]


two-dimensional array which contains only the temperature distribution on visible hemisphere

magpies.spectra_any(Tmap, Rns, Mns, phase, chi, inc, eph)

Calculate redshifted thermal spectra [erg s^-1 cm^-2 keV^-1] emitted by neutron star observed from arbitrary orientation.

\(H_E^\infty = \frac{15 \sigma_{SB}}{\pi^5 k_B^4} \int_\mathrm{viz} \frac{E^3 \cos \alpha \; \mathcal{D} \sin \theta d\theta d\phi}{\exp(E/(k_B T_s^\infty)) - 1}\)

  • Tmap – member of Tmap class containing surface temperature map.

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]

  • phase – rotational phase [radian]

  • chi – magnetic obliquity angle (angle between orientation of original dipolar magnetic field - top of the surface thermal map)

  • inc – inclination of the observer with respect to the rotational axis.

  • eph – list containing energy mesh \(E\) [keV]



redshifted spectra [erg s^-1 cm^-2 keV^-1]


two-dimensional array which contains only the temperature distribution on visible hemisphere

magpies.lightcurve(Tmap, Rns, Mns, phases, chi, inc)

Calculate soft X-ray lightcurve

  • Tmap – member of Tmap class containing surface temperature map.

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]

  • phases – list of phases [radian]

  • chi – magnetic obliquity angle (angle between orientation of original dipolar magnetic field - top of the surface thermal map)

  • inc – inclination of the observer with respect to the rotational axis.


Soft X-ray lightcurve in units of intensity for each rotational phase [erg/s]

magpies.phase_resolved_spectroscopy(Tmap, Rns, Mns, phases, chi, inc, eph)

Calculate phase-resolved spectroscopy for neutron star.

  • Tmap – member of Tmap class containing surface temperature map.

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]

  • phases – rotational phases [radian]

  • chi – magnetic obliquity angle (angle between orientation of original dipolar magnetic field - top of the surface thermal map)

  • inc – inclination of the observer with respect to the rotational axis.

  • eph – list energies where spectra should be computed [keV]



number of photons per energy bin

magpies.precompute_Dcos_alpha(Rns, Mns, chi, inc, phase, phi1, theta1)

Calculate \(\mathcal D \cos\alpha\) factor for all points of the mesh at the neutron star surface.

  • Rns – radius of neutron star [km]

  • Mns – mass of neutron star [Solar mass]

  • chi – magnetic obliquity angle (angle between orientation of original dipolar magnetic field - top of the surface thermal map)

  • inc – inclination of the observer with respect to the rotational axis.

  • phase – rotational phase [radian]

  • phi1 – list of magnetic longuitudets [radians] where Tmap is provided

  • theta1 – list magnetic latitude [radians] where Tmap is provided


array of \(\mathcal D \cos\alpha\) factors

magpies.flux_to_photons(flx, eph, nph)

Convert fluxes into number of photons

\(N_\mathrm{phot} = \frac{F}{E}\)

  • flx – spectral fluxes […]

  • eph – mesh of energies [keV]

  • nph – total number of photons received by X-ray telescope.


number of photons per energy bin