Atmos method list

A selection of functions to model temperature distribution over the neutron star surface

atmos.Tmap.__init__(self, usage='zero', Ntheta=100, Nphi=99, ns_atm=None, theta=None, phi=None, Ts=None)

This class allows to generate and store a surface thermal map efficiently. Depending on provided arguments the bevaviour of the class initialisation differs. The thermal map is stored as Ts[\(\phi\), \(\theta\)]


usage – text string which determines the class behaviour:

‘zero’ surface temperatures are zero and map is defined at magnetic latitudes \(\theta_i\) and longuitudes \(\phi_i\). This is useful when the surface temperature map is simply composed of a few compact hot regions which can be edited after the surface thermal map is created.

‘NS_atm’ member of NS_atmosphere class is provided as an optional argument. The surface thermal map is defined at uniform grid of magnetic latitudes with Ntheta grid points and Nphi longuitudes.

‘Ts’ list of magnetic latitudes and longuitudes as well as list of respective temeperature is directly provided as arguments of the class.

  • Ntheta – number of grid points for magnetic latitudes

  • Nphi – number of grid points for magnetic longuitudes

  • theta – list magnetic latitude [radians] where Tmap is provided

  • phi – list of magnetic longuitudets [radians] where Tmap is provided

  • Ts – the surface thermal map [K]


class member of NS_atmosphere


class member

atmos.Tmap.plot_Ts(self, filename=None)

Plot the surface temperature distrubituion using Aitoff projection


filename – store the figure using filename

atmos.NS_atmosphere(model_name, g14, Tb, B)

Class which simulates or stores the surface temperature distribution for different types of magnetised atmospheres

OUTPUT: class member describing the surface temperature distribution

atmos.NS_atmosphere.__init__(self, model_name, g14, Tb, B)

Initialise the class member with physical parameters of the neutron star

  • g14 – is free fall acceleration at the NS surface in units of g/1e14 cm/s/s

  • Tb – is the temperature in deep layers in units of Kelvin

  • B – is the pole magnetic field in units of Gauss

  • model_name – is the fit type for surface temperature distribution, options are as the following:

Potekhin_2015 is for Potekhin, Pons & Page (2015) [1] for iron envelope

Potekhin_2003_iron is for Potekhin, Yakovlev, Chabrier & Gnedin (2003) [2] for iron envelope, same as [3]

Potekhin_Yakovlev_2001_iron is for Potekhin & Yakovlev (2001) [4] for iron envelope

Potekhin_2003_accr is for Potekhin, Yakovlev, Chabrier & Gnedin (2003) [2] for fully accreted envelope


class member


atmos.NS_atmosphere.Ts(self, theta)

Describes the dependance of the surface temperature distribution on magnetic latitude


theta – [radians] is magnetic latitude


surface temperature [Kelvins] at locations prescribed by specifiying magnetic latitude